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Card Caprice by Jack Yates

Card Caprice by Jack Yates
Card Caprice
by Jack Yates
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"Jack's Wallet" is an ingenious way of predicting a freely-chosen card using an unfaked wallet, the sort you probably possess already. It is a 'stand-up' trick without the need for a table, the type that is becoming more and more popular.

The second effect, "Jack's Line-Up", is a mental masterpiece that, properly performed, will stagger an audience whether it's done impromptu or as part of a regular cabaret act.

Here are the more detailed effects:

JACK's WALLET: Briefly, a spectator selects a card. It is not forced. The performer allows another spectator to remove a sealed envelope from his wallet. The wallet is replaced and the spectator rips open the envelope. Inside he finds a card bearing the message, "LOOK AT THE CARD IN THE WALLET UNDER THE ZIP."

The mentalist appears surprised but removes his wallet, opens it and slides open the zip. Inside is a card which he takes out and holds back towards the audience. The back is a different colour to the pack being used. The first spectator is requested to show the card he has taken (let's assume it's the Two of Hearts). The performer turns his card round; it, too, is a Two of Hearts. The wallet contains no extra cards (or envelopes containing alternative predictions) and can be examined.

JACK's LINE-UP: You can invite up to thirteen people to take part...Let us assume you have six people to help. They stand in a row ... or sit where they are. Hand No. 1 spectator a pack of cards and ask him to shuffle it thoroughly, then remove thirteen cards. You take back the balance of the pack. Once again he may shuffle the cards if he wishes but, once he is satisfied, he is to remove one card, look at it, then keep it face down on the table (or on his lap) and cover it with his hand. Finally, he passes the remaining twelve cards to spectator No. 2. This second helper chooses a card, looks at it, hides it, then passes the eleven cards to the third spectator who is asked to do exactly the same. And so it goes on until all six of the spectators have a card each. When this is so, you take back the remaining seven cards and hold them face down making it very obvious you don't see the faces of any of them.

You now collect the six cards back adding them to the seven you already hold, then they are shuffled. Although you haven't seen the faces of any of the cards (and the pack could be borrowed if you wished), you now return each person's card to him in a random order ... except for the first spectator. When you discover you've missed somebody, you ask him to concentrate on the name of his card, then slowly 'divine' it. A fitting climax to a staggering effect.

1st edition 1979, 1st digital edition 2013, 11 pages.
word count: 3790 which is equivalent to 15 standard pages of text
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